Nasty, I didn't know who he was until someone on this subreddit mentioned him offhandedly.
It's really stupid that you have to read the manual in order to find out who's the big bad of the game because if you don't read the manual you'll never know about Mr.

Nasty, the supposed mastermind behind Manhunt 1, is never seen or mentioned in the entire game, only in the manual and the marketing, which makes me think that his character was made late into development. That's too many times where James escapes death through either stupidity or coincidence. The game doesn't explain how the reporter knew where James was so she could pick him up.Ĭerberus prepares to execute Cash but are interrupted by Piggsy. The cop ambush in the trainyard is the dumbest scene in the game, in gameplay cops will not hesitate to shoot James on sight, yet in a cutscene when he walks into an ambush they take forever to shoot him just so that Cerberus can take him to Starkweather's mansion. Ramirez has a very good chance at killing James but instead lets him go to play hide and seek. There are multiple asspulls and sections where characters are stupid for the sake of the plot. The characters aren't all that interesting, the game doesn't flesh out James that much, the most development he gets is when he's angry when one of his family members dies, other than that he's barely a character, the reporter is there, I guess the most memorable one would be Starkweather, constantly talking to you, occasionally orgasming, he's the only part of the game that'll stick with me. The story is not good, what very little story there is in the game to begin with. Thinking back to that post I don't think I properly explained my points on why I think that 2 is better than 1, so in this post I'm going in-depth to compare both games to make the case that Manhunt 2 is the superior game. Hey, it's me again, you might remember me as the redditor who made the post "Why is Manhunt 1 considered better than Manhunt 2?"